The Hands on Healing Session

Working with a patientA typical visit includes an initial discussion where your concerns and goals are expressed, and I ask for information that may have a bearing on those issues. I then evaluate you in standing position assessing the integrity of your weight bearing physical structure. Next, you lie down on a table, and I perform a light touch hands on evaluation and treatment that is more energetic than physical, although can have elements of both. Time on the table averages 30-45 minutes. The work generally is deeply relaxing and energizing. We then finish with a check-in and recommendations to maximize your benefits. The entire initial visit is generally an hour and a half. Follow up visits may range from 45-90 minutes depending on what is needed.


Charges for these sessions are based on $90 per hour. An initial visit would be $135 for an hour and a half. I do not accept insurance at this time and payment is expected at the time of the visit. I do not send out bills. Sliding scale rates are available based on an honor system if the standard rate is unaffordable.